Traditional Rock Climbing

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimension.”

- Oliver Wendell Holmes -

Traditional climbing is more challenging than using bolted routes but it is very rewarding as it allows to you climb anywhere. Paramount Guide's "Trad" Rock program aims to teach you how to build your own anchors and place your own protection.  The sky is the limit to where you can climb once you have mastered "Trad" techniques.  It is all about exploring and discovering new places and climbing lines. 

 "Trad" rock protection placement can be difficult and the potential of serious consequences is there if not done properly. Ideally you will have experience with some lead climbing before you take this program as the focus will be in gear placement, anchor building, multipitch tactics and protection on different kinds of rock.

At Paramount Guides you will learn from an expert how to choose appropriate climbs for your ability and experience while expanding your knowledge and increasing your confidence. 

Topics Covered:

Gear Placement

  • Gear review

  • Protection Placement

  • Gear & Rock Types

  • Evaluating Protection

Anchor Building

  • Natural Anchors

  • Artificial Anchors

  • Evaluating Anchors

  • Equalizing Anchors


  • Organizing your rack

  • Avoiding friction

  • Multi-pitch Strategies

  • Descending

Choose a Date that Works for You.

The traditional rock climbing program includes:

  • Professional ACMG Guide

  • Personal Equipment (if required)

  • Ropes, Protection Gear and Safety Material

The traditional rock climbing program does not include:

  • Transportation / Meals

Full Day: $550.00 for the first person and each additional person is $90.00 + GST.

Minimum Group Size 1 - Maximum Group Size 4

Additional information

Please keep in mind that prior to to heading out for our Traditional Rock Climbing Program all participants are required to read and agree to waiver terms and conditions prior to booking completion. A copy of which can be found