Motivational Keynotes

“There are opportunities even in the most difficult moments.”

- Wangari Maathai -

“Summit your Personal Everest” 

A different kind of Presentation.

Most people have heard “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” or “It’s not the destination but the journey”. These can be applied to the corporate world but sometimes a fresh perspective is what is required.

Our keynote / team building presentation is orchestrated by Francisco (Pancho) Medina. Originating from Chile, Pancho spent his youth in the Andes; rock climbing, mountaineering, skiing, and working for search and rescue.  He then moved to Europe to work as a ski patroller in Switzerland, a rock guide in Italy and completed his mountain guide certification in France.  Pancho also has decades of experience in the corporate world, helping establish various tourism related business in South America.

But somewhere in the middle of all this he was a cameraman on the first successful summit attempt of Everest by a team of Chilean woman “Chilenas al Everest 2001”.  Summiting Everest is not new, nor is it necessarily an accomplishment with individuals and groups paying thousands of dollars to be the “first”.  But this is where Pancho’s story is unique. He was involved from the very beginning of the “Chilenas al Everest 2001” expedition, with the planning, the safety, the fundraising and ultimately the groups success.

Everyone has their own personal Everest that they wish to summit. Just like a corporation’s objectives are not met by individuals working alone. Climbing any peak in the world requires teamwork. Let us inspire you and help you increase the productivity of your workplace. We will work with you to design a program specifically addressing your needs and wants.  It is a unique product completely customized to your corporation or organization.

Spoiler Alert!  Pancho’s name is not in the official documents kept in Kathmandu listing successful summiteers, instead he is a humble individual who did not reach the highest point in the world when every other member of this team was successful. Instead, he gave up his summit bid to save a life at 8450m, (27,725ft). His story is about committing to the team and making sure everyone came home alive and able to see many more sunrises and sunsets.

This team building is unique in that it teaches that success isn’t all about the end result or the destination. It is also about the journey and the steps taken. It is about working together for success. It is about motivating different people and personalities to work towards a common vision.

The beautiful thing about this team building is it can be done in a conference center or in the outdoors.  Each of the individual activities or stages correspond to an expedition process and are then related back to your sales force, board members or supplement staff.

*** This program is also offered as a Keynote.

Groups: 6-100+

Timing: 1 -3 Hours, 90’ for the Keynote

Additional information

Please keep in mind that prior to to heading out for any of our outdoor Events and Challenges all participants are required to read and agree to waiver terms and conditions prior to booking completion. A copy of which can be found